Water Conditioners

Shrimps are sensitive, heavy metals, chlorine and chloramine in the tap water threaten the life of your shrimps. Shrimps Forever ™ Water Conditioners offer high quality products to help you eliminate these vital risks.

Water Conditioners

TapFix (Chlor & Heavy Metal Remover)

Shrimps Forever TapFix is a liquid mixture of natural minerals that filters chlorine and heavy metals from the water. Our tap water contains a low content of chlorine and heavy metals as standard. However, these substances do not belong in the aquarium.

Crystallize Crystal Water ( Flocullant )

Shrimps Forever™ Crystallize Crystal Water filters out impurities from the water and makes (murky) aquarium water crystal clear. Shrimps Forever Crystal clear is made of 100% natural components. Content: 130 milliliters.

Cycle Starter Pro Bacter ( Bacteria )

Shrimps Forever™ Pro Bacter contains millions of live filter bacteria that shorten your aquarium startup period and accelerate the natural balance in the aquarium. Also suitable for adding after each water change. Content: 130 milliliters.

Algasol ( Organic Algae Remover )

Shrimps Forever™ Algasol is an organic algae remover made from 100% natural products, completely safe for shrimps. Algasol is suitable for green- and beard algae in the aquarium. Content: 130 milliliters.